Planning, Award of contract, Supervision
Residential: approx. 17.000 m²
Commercial: approx. 900 m²
Underground: approx. 5.200 m²
Baakenhafen Living 1. Grundbesitz GmbH
BÖAG Beteiligungs-Aktiengesellschaft
Antaris Projektentwicklung GmbH
Baugemeinschaft HeimatMole
Completion: 2017 - 2022
Jens Bothe Architects, Hamburg
Zillerplus Architekten und Stadtplaner, Munich
Awarding procedure:
City for all: HafenCity’s largest harbor basin offers a dense (social) mix of residential and leisure uses, green open spaces and workplaces. On both sides of HafenCity’s longest harbor basin, the contours of a sustainable “urban village” with around 2,100 apartments for approximately 4,200 residents are becoming increasingly visible in the middle of the big city.
A green, socially mixed residential and leisure quarter is being created with a differentiated, intensively publicly subsidized range of housing for families, students, senior citizens and people in need of care, as various social sponsors are involved in the development of the housing concepts.
At the same time, approximately 2,200 jobs will be created in a special environment. The topographical center of the neighborhood is Baakenpark, a 1.6-hectare artificial peninsula in the harbor basin that fulfills a wide range of functions: As a green space, the area is a recreational area and visual-aesthetic eye-catcher, which at the same time creates a pathway between the northern and southern parts of the quarter. Building site 97 with 147 residential units is a decisive building block in the double waterfront location.
Other planning participants:
TGA planning: Averdung Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH, Hamburg
Structural design: Weber Poll Ingenieurbüro für Bauwesen GbR, Hamburg
Building physics: Müller-BBM GmbH, NL Hamburg
Fire protection planning: IfB Schütte, Bremen
Open space planning:
Inner courtyard: Lichtenstein Landschaftsarchitekten, Hamburg
Semi-public spaces: ATELIER LOIDL, Berlin
Certification (HafenCity): Ingenieurbüro Anke Koch, Hamburg