

Construction and buyer management

approx. 36.000m²

Luisenstadt I B.V.

Completion 2019

Axthelm Rolvien GmbH & Co KG
Stefan Ludes Architekten (Sweco)

Awarding procedure:
General contractor

Nestled between the river Spree and the old historic Berlin lies the listed former central administration building of the Allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse Berlin, which was built in 1933 according to the plans of the architect Albert Gottheiner.

The six-story steel skeleton building in dark blue-red clinker bricks in the style of expressionism, consists of the elongated tract on Rungestraße and three rear wing buildings. The courtyard-side counter hall, formerly roofed over, is now dominated as an open courtyard by the listed construction of the light ceiling. The western part of the structure (located on Wassergasse) is formed by an original two-story building, which was extended by a new three-story building in deliberate contrast to the old building.

Architects Axthelm and Rolvien have planned space for 124 apartments ranging in size from 75 to 400 sq. ft. and 60 microapartments ranging in size from 25 to 50 sq. ft. on a GFA of 36,000 sq. ft. The generous general areas with the historic staircases offer an imposing ambience.

As an intermediary between the internationally networked developer and the general contractor, WBRE not only actively supervised and optimized the execution planning, but also assumed direct responsibility in the management and realization/implementation of the project. In doing so, changing wishes and needs of the clients during the construction phase were taken into account as well as all parties involved in the construction were coordinated. In addition to construction management, bicon also took over the area of buyer support after the sale of the apartments by the developer. In close consultation with the international buyers, the buyer management team found exclusive solutions for all apartments and closely supervised their implementation until acceptance and handover.