"What came first? The idea or the construction?"

The answer to the above question is irrelevant to us. It is the implementation of both approaches that motivates us. As a service provider, we develop land and existing properties for our clients in the area of service development. We develop ideas and strategies based on the market and usage conditions. The market-driven development concept provides the basis for profitable use and sale.

We conduct all necessary competitions and manage all necessary measures and procedures for the implementation.

In the "Röbbek" project, for example, the idea was in the foreground. Namely, the idea of creating living space. The Bunker Hamburg, on the other hand, is an existing property that has been converted for a new type of use. In "Miles" you can see that cities are changing. An unused area is redeveloped and leads to an urban development concept with the creation of a development plan. This is our field of work.

Within the framework of a tendering process, we identify the right project partners for our clients and coordinate the elaborated concepts with their specifications and goals. To support sales, our team develops a product design that serves as a basis for finding users or buyers. Through targeted public relations work and citizen participation, we ensure the greatest possible acceptance of the project.


  • Development of land and existing properties
  • Market and utilization ratio oriented ideas and strategies
  • Support in the B-Plan procedure