Protect yourself and others around you
Nevertheless, the construction industry enjoys a certain individuality and some privileges in this context. These privileges do not simplify the way we operate as one might suspect, but require a great deal of preparation, coordination, determination and dedication to the common goal: ensuring a safe work environment for our partners and colleagues and maintaining our economic stability during these extraordinary times.
We set the standards for a safe work environment, taking into account the rules and regulations set forth by the federal government without exception.
Measures such as: Mandatory masks on the construction site, maintaining the minimum distance, disinfection stations, temperature measurements and rapid tests are the minimum we can do to help maintain the safety and health of our colleagues and craft partners. This also includes the preparation of the construction site: marking of assembly areas, marking of distances, information signs in every entrance as well as exit area and the corresponding continuous monitoring of compliance with these precautions.
These measures are implemented throughout Germany for all our projects. Safety on our construction sites is an important concern for us and will always be our top priority.