
Construction management

Projekt Arnulfstraße Munich
Grundstücks GmbH
ABC-Straße 19, 20354 Hamburg

Allmann Sattler Wappner Architekten Munich,
Woods Bagot Architects, London

55.500 m²

Completion 2023

Award procedure:
Package award

The Arnulfstrasse 62 parcel delivery office was built between 1924 and 1930 according to the plans of the renowned architects Robert Vorhoelzer, Franz Holzhammer and Walter Schmidt. While the belt buildings surrounding the area were designed for general administrative purposes, the parts of the building inside were designed specifically for their functions: Workshop, vehicle hall, customs building and circular building with sorting machine and central delivery hall. Over the course of time, the listed ensemble was adapted to various usage requirements.

The now planned refurbishment, conversion and expansion of the components will enable a sustainable new use as an office and development center, which at the same time creates space for exchange and professional cooperation.